Fourth German WPC-Congress – 13. & 14.12.2011, Maritim Hotel Cologne, Germany

The European lead congress of the WPC-industry!

+++ WPC-Innovation Award: 6 products nominated! +++ Already two dozen exhibitors! +++ Moore than 350 participants expected! +++

Dear WPC Experts, Dear Interested Public,

The Fourth German WPC congress promises to expand its position as the European WPC lead congress:

WPC Innovation Award
The over the years sustained global growth trend of wood-plastic composites (WPC) is to a considerable extent based on the innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises, not least in Germany. This development is well reflected in the competition for the WPC Innovation Award.

Never before have so many companies stepped into the ring and it never was so hard for the jury to choose from the already outstanding field of applicants for the top 6 finalists. The election of the winners will be carried out by the participants of the WPC Congress on the evening of the first Congress day, the 13th of December 2011.

Nominated for the finals are:

  • Curtania GmbH: curtain hanging system, “NaF.MIX ®”
  • Werzalit GmbH + Co. KG: Process technology for in-mold coating of injection molded WPC parts
  • Möller GmbH & Co. KG: noise barrier profile of WPC
  • Evonik Industries AG: PMMA-wood composite PLEXIGLAS ® Wood
  • Plastic Rotho AG: Compost Bucket “Green Line”
  • PHK polymer engineering GmbH: “Nerolit ®”-Compounds for high-tech applications

Final Programme
Selecting the speakers, we feel obliged to offer to our competent audience highly valuable contributions that cover the broad range of WPC-aspects.

Get significant information on the topics of “Industries and applications”, “Market situations and trends”, “Processing methods and material properties”, “Research and development” as well as “Recent product launches”. Details and the leaflet of the congress can be found at:

With already more than two dozen exhibitors the event will host the biggest and most widely-ranging WPC exhibition in Europe.
Among others, the following exhibitors will use the Fourth German WPC congress as an excellent platform to present their products and services:

What about you? Book your own stand at the congress – present your company to a broad interested public and show your innovative products and services!

For further information please visit our website or contact
Dominik Vogt directly,
phone: +49 (0)2233 48 1449

With already more than 120 participants the congress is moving at a record rate – we expect more than 350 national and international experts and enthusiast. Please have a look at the current list of participants here:”[]

General information
At the congress all current questions, developments and trends will be discussed. One focus are topics of the German-speaking WPC industry, but the speakers, exhibitors and participants are international – all presentations will be translated simultaneously.
300 participants from 23 countries have visited the “3rd German WPC congress” in 2009 and made it the biggest meeting point for the WPC-industry in Europe. This year, we expect an even increasing number of participants.

Finally, we would like to thank our congress sponsors:

Sponsor of the Innovation Award: BASF Color Solutions Germany GmbH and the Congress-Sponsors: STAEDLER Mars GmbH & Co. KG, Reifenhäuser Extrusion GmbH & Co. KG, Werzalit GmbH & Co. KG.

Furthermore, we would like to thank our media partners and partners:

Media partners: bioplastics MAGAZINE, EUWID,, Extrusion, GAK, heidelberg business media GmbH, FORDAQ, Holz-Zentralblatt, Holzzeitschrift, MACPLAS, netcomposites, Plasticker, Forum nachhaltig wirtschaften, Timber Web, Timber Hunt, International Business Directory for Innovative Bio-based Plastics and Composites (iBIB 2011), Wood & Panel,

Partners: AVK, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR), Dr. Hans Korte, kunststoffland NRW e.V., HDH, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Fraunhofer WKI, TCKT, VDM, Verband der Holzwerkstoffindustrie (VHI).

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our congress at Cologne!

Your congress team

Michael Carus, Janpeter Beckmann, Lena Scholz & Dominik Vogt
nova-Institut GmbH


nova-Institut GmbH, press release, 2011-10-26.


AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V.
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
Fraunhofer-Institut für Holzforschung Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI
Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik (UMSICHT)
Hauptverband der Deutschen Holz verarbeitenden Industrie (HDH)
kunststoffland NRW e.V.
nova-Institut GmbH
PHK Polymertechnik GmbH
Reifenhäuser EXTRUSION Technology GmbH & Co. KG
Staedtler Mars GmbH & Co. KG
TCKT – Transfercenter für Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Verband der Deutschen Holzwerkstoffindustrie e.V. (VHI)
Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie (VDM)


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