Little Big Tech: Can Fischer-Tropsch technology work at smaller scale?

Velocys is seeking to make F-T work economically with micro-reactors

In last week’s Digest, Robert Rapier aptly stated the challenge in front of XTL technologies – companies whose primary focus is gas-to-liquids (GTL), coal-to-liquids (CTL), or biomass-to-liquids (BTL):

“The two major problems with any of the XTL technologies are that capital costs are extremely high, and a long-term, cheap feedstock supply must be secured. Shell’s initial estimate for the [Pearl GTL plant in Qatar] was $5 billion, but by the time the project was completed the costs were estimated to be around $20 billion.”

…Full text:

Tags: synthesis gas, liquid hydrocarbon fuels, thermochemical processes, pyrolysis, gas fermentation, Micro-reactors, microchannel technology, carbon containing waste


BiofuelsDigest, 2012-11-20.


Cool Planet
Enerkem Inc.
Ensyn Corporation
KiOR, Inc.
LanzaTech Ltd.
Oxford Catalysts
Rentech, Inc.
Shell Group
Velocys Inc.
Ventech Engineers International LLC


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