Koppelnutzung von Öllein

- Fibre quality of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and the assessment of genotypes for use of fibres as a by- product -

In der Novemberausgabe des Wissenschaftsjournals Industrial Crops and Products berichten die Autoren Rennebaum et al. über die Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Öllein. Aus den Anbauversuchen von 1995 bis 1997 werden die Ergebnisse der Stängel- und Faseruntersuchungen vorgestellt. Aus den insgesamt 11 untersuchten Sorten eignen sich insbesondere drei Sorten für eine Koppelnutzung.

Eleven linseed genotypes were analysed with respect to fibre quality. Their potential for dual-purpose production of oil and fibres was investigated. Linseed was grown according to current agricultural practice (seed DENSITY=450 m-2, mineral nitrogen at SOWING=50 kg ha-1) near Bonn (Germany) in 1995 – 1997. Fibres were mechanically isolated from pulled plants. Plant characteristics relevant for fibre production were highly variable. Fibre content of the technical stem, fineness and tensile strength (grip distance, GD=2 mm) ranged from 15.3 to 30.3%, 1.75 to 30.92 tex, 8.3 to 1226.5 MPa across genotypes and years.

Corresponding medians were 24.4%, 10.25 tex, 445.0 MPa. Variability, attributed to genotype (g), year (y) and interaction genotypexyear (i) amounted to 0.0/20.2/55.9% (g/y/i) for the fibre content, 3.6/58.1/0.0% for fineness and 13.8/31.0/8.8% for tensile strength. Further, oil yield, straw yield and length of the technical stem were established for genotype assessment.

These characteristics varied from 573.3 to 2238.9 kg ha-1, 2633.7 to 8062.8 kg ha-1 and 27.0 to 75.7 cm across genotypes and years. Corresponding medians were 923.9 kg ha-1, 5100.4 kg ha-1 and 49.2 cm. Here, variability caused by genotype (g) year (y) and interaction genotypexyear (i) was 0.1/85.8/0.9% (g/y/i) for oil yield, 2.8/67.9/4.5% for straw yield and 0.0/0.0/ 42.9% for length of the technical stem. Genotypes were grouped by cluster analysis.

Assignment of genotypes to clusters was inconsistent between years confirming that variability of the characteristics investigated was mostly affected by year. On the basis of grouping, a rating scheme is proposed that allows to evaluate linseed genotypes for the use of oil as the main product and of fibres as a by-product.


Heinrich Rennebaum, Eckhard Grimm, Kristina Warnstorff and Wulf Diepenbrock 2002 in: Industrial Crops and Products (ISSN 0926-6690), Vol. 16, Issue 3, Pages 201-215, November 2002.


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